“Despite several offers being made, Paul respected our desire to hold out for a better price and we ultimately sold for a price which properly reflected the difficult market conditions we were in.”

It is our experience that a majority of vendors take many months, if not years, to ponder their circumstances before deciding to list their property for sale. And rightly so. The family home is the major financial asset that we have (tax free!) and any thought of moving should be considered carefully.

You may know of someone who procrastinated for years about selling, finally did so, and then proclaimed “we should have made the move years ago”. If the thought of living in a better place is constantly on your mind, then it probably is time to go.

Philip York Real Estate can help…

In health care, the first thing a doctor does before prescribing medicines or treatment, is to check your lifestyle and diagnose the symptoms. Incorrect diagnosis could lead to further pain and suffering and even death!

In real estate, the stakes may not be as grim, however, approaching the sale process without proper diagnosis can definitely lead to major financial and mental stress issues.

That’s why…

it’s wise to get a free sales diagnosis from Philip York. We’ll prescribe a sales method that matches your motive, location and price goals and deadline.